The beginning of the registration for the International Fair of Study in Iran

7/9/2024 10:45:00 AM

Interview with President of AZFA Center of Imam Khomeini International University

Please briefly introduce yourself and AZFA Center.

I am Dr. Seyed Mohsen Hosseini, the President of the AZFA center of Imam Khomeini International University (RA). Imam Khomeini International University Persian Language Center has a history of 33 years. During these 33 years, more than 12,000 students and language learners from 110 countries of the world learned Persian in this center and entered Iranian universities, and now each of them is serving and working in a corner of the world. During the last two Soraya festivals, the Persian language teaching center of Imam Khomeini International University (RA) has been ranked the highest among the Persian language teaching centers of the country's universities for two years in a row.


What is your opinion about the role of attracting international students in transforming Persian into the reference language of science?

Fortunately, after 40 years of the glorious Islamic revolution, Iran's universities and higher education centers have enjoyed a very strong foundation and scientific capacity in various fields of humanities, engineering, and even medicine in our country. But outside the country, they may not be aware of this capacity. Now, the benefit of holding a fair of study in Iran is one thing we can do to introduce ourselves to our target society abroad, show our real capacities in the field of higher education. Persian can actually play a very effective role as an entrance for foreign students to Iran. If we can teach Persian well in Persian language teaching centers, these students will definitely be more successful in the next courses of university studies and they can pass the university courses more easily, but if their language learning is not very advanced, they will definitely be weak in the training courses. The main point here is that Persian education centers are the entrance for foreign students to Iran and Iranian universities and can be very effective if we provide effective education there, if we can create attraction. The rest of the path will be smooth, but if we fail to create this attraction at the very beginning, our next efforts will be useless.

What is your opinion about the role of the fair in expanding Persian and turning it into a reference language?

Naturally, some of these cases are related to educational issues, some to welfare issues, and some to cultural issues. In the field of education, we should be able to use today's knowledge, use today's technology, smart education and many other things. We should be able to create a modern and attractive education, for example, use multimedia educational methods. In addition to this attractive education, we can also prepare appropriate cultural and recreational programs that will fill the free time of the language learner in a good way.


What do you think should be done to increase the attractiveness of studying in Iran?

The capacities of our country in different regions in the field of tourism are high. Different parts of Iran, in terms of nature, historical and ancient buildings, can create attraction for foreigners. and plan and implement cultural activities according to their regional capacities. For example, in Qazvin city, we introduce our foreign students to the sightseeing centers of natural attractions of Qazvin province, and these measures are effective, and they automatically create a kind of interest and attachment. Well-being issues are also the same, anyway, a student who comes to Iran as our guest should normally be provided with these welfare issues of dormitory, accommodation, welfare and nutrition, so that God forbid, he does not become heartbroken.


What do you think about the international fair of study?

In the seventh program, the number of foreign students is supposed to increase (about 300,000 people). In order to reach this capacity, it is necessary to introduce our own capabilities. The fair that will be held in October will be an opportunity for universities and language teaching centers to display their capabilities. To present their books and educational methods, even to bring the students they have trained to the fair to present their language skills to domestic and foreign visitors. Naturally, there are not many foreign visitors to the fair, mainly they are government officials, businessmen, or recruitment agencies. In fact, we cannot bring the general foreign audience to this fair, but in similar fairs that are held in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and other countries, we can showcase our abilities better, use and prepare materials that can be offered in a fair right now.


What do you think should be done to increase the attractiveness of studying in Iran?

You see, studying in Iran is cheaper and of course better quality than many other countries. Apart from this, we are in the center of a cultural spectrum that has many fans and enthusiasts. Naturally, many people also want to be present in the geography and cultural sphere of the Islamic Revolution. The establishment of such fairs will give such enthusiasts the opportunity to learn about the universities and scientific capacities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in a targeted way.

What is your opinion about the accessories and display items of the successful presence of an AZFA center in the international fair?

You see, attending the fair has preparations and requirements. For example, if you are going to participate in an Arab-speaking country, depending on the type of country, you should prepare brochures, manuals, etc. according to the language and culture of that region. It is important that we introduce ourselves in the languages ​​of the world, sometimes in English, Arabic, and sometimes in other languages, for example, Chinese or Urdu, considering the large population they have. Besides, we must, for example, for the future Let's plan and identify the target markets. For example, if it is possible in the next ten years, for example, Indonesia will become our target for attracting students. It is important to introduce ourselves, sometimes through manuals, brochures, videos and even educational books.


Do you have a special suggestion for the fair headquarters?

Anyway, I hope that the fair of the study in Iran will provide a suitable opportunity to introduce the educational capabilities of the country's universities. I wish you and your colleagues success in this path that you have taken.