The beginning of the registration for the International Fair of Study in Iran

Exhibition Structure

Organization of Student Affairs: Affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology: www.msrt.irOrganizing the first international fair of study in Iran : In cooperation with Iranian universities:  and other institutions in the field of recruiting international students in Iran

     Exhibition Structure

Policy Council of the Exhibition: The Policy Council of the exhibition is responsible for determining the overall policies, supervising the proper execution of the exhibition, approving the budget for the event and the amount of prizes for the finalists, approving the text of the memorandum of understanding for collaboration with partner universities (Kharazmi, Al-Zahra, Tabriz, and Tarbiat Modares), reviewing and approving the final list of domestic and international invitees, among other tasks.

Members of the Policy Council: The members of the Policy Council include the Deputy of Student Affairs of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology; the Deputy of Education of the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education; the Deputy of Iranian Affairs Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the President of Al-Mustafa International University; the Head of the Center for International Scientific Cooperation; the Deputy of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization; the Deputy of International Affairs of Islamic Azad University; and the Presidents of Imam Hossein University, Shahid Beheshti University, A-l Zahra University, Ahlul Bayt University, Kharazmi University, and Tarbiat Modares University. They are responsible for policymaking and coordinating the executive affairs of the exhibition through the Exhibition Headquarters with representatives of the Policy Council members. Dr. Dadashpour, the President of the Student Affairs Organization and Deputy Minister, chairs the Policy Council.

The executive committee of the exhibition: with the presence of representatives from the Policy Council, is responsible for guiding, coordinating, and executing the festival's tasks. Dr. Mohammad Javad Salmanpour, the International Advisor of the organization, serves as the head of the executive committee.

The exhibition executive committee is responsible for the following tasks:

• Establishing the executive secretariat and forming various committees composed of dedicated and specialized individuals

 • Providing a comprehensive and timely schedule of processes and actions

 • Proposing and introducing committee secretaries to the Policy Council

 • Full oversight of performance and creating necessary coordination between committees

 • Publishing approved announcements in journals, radio, TV, and social networks in coordination with the Policy Council

 • Sending invitations to individuals, personalities, organizations, and academic centers in coordination with the Policy Council

 • Creating a website, announcing the postal and internet addresses and phone number of the executive secretariat 

• Supervising the printing and publication of letterheads, posters, and promotional items

 • Selecting and proposing executors and instructors for workshops and meetings

 • Managing specialized and joint TV and radio meetings

 • Content planning, designing, and allocating exhibition booths in coordination with the Policy Council

 • Providing regular reports to the Policy Council

• Overseeing the proper conduct of financial and administrative affairs within the assigned duties

 • Recruiting and organizing executive personnel from various institutions and universities, including dedicated professors, students, staff, and multilingual individuals 

• Contact details of the head of the exhibition executive committee: Phone: +98 917 113 5518



The secretariat of the exhibition executive committee: consisting of experienced experts and representatives from the committees, is responsible for communications, coordination, and follow-up. Mr. Mohammad Mohammadi Sani is in charge of the secretariat of the exhibition executive committee.

Contact details:

Exhibition Executive Partners

Tarbiat Modares University 

Tarbiat Modares University is responsible for conducting the Saray-e Danesh Art Festival. Dr. Dardaei serves as the secretary of the festival.

Festival Secretariat Address: Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University, Student, Cultural, and Social Affairs


Secretariat Contact Numbers: +98 21 8288 3296, +98 935 298 1511, +98 912 404 8817


Al-Zahra University 

Al-Zahra University is responsible for conducting the Cultural Nations Festival.

Festival President: Dr. Nazem Bakaei

Executive Secretary of the Festival: Dr. Nadia Mahmoudi Khateer

Secretariat Head: Ms. Maliheh Mohammadi


kharazmi University

Kharazmi University is responsible for organizing the exhibition programs and executing the activities of institutions from other countries.

Event Secretary: Dr. Ali Azimi Weqar, Faculty Member of the University

Secretariat Head: Ms. Zahra Forouzesh

Exhibition Website:


Secretariat Contact Number: +98 71 8158 1020


  Imam Hossein University 

Imam Hossein University is responsible for organizing the University Empowering Technology Exhibition.
Executive Secretary of this section of the exhibition: Dr. Shahriari, Faculty Member of the University


  Amir Kabir University 

Amir Kabir University is responsible for organizing the presence of academic officials from other countries, as well as the gathering and exhibition of Persian language professors and Persian teaching centers abroad.
Executive Secretary of the program: Dr. Pour Qasem, Faculty Member of the University


  Ahlul Bayt International University 

 Ahlul Bayt University is responsible for organizing the International Food Festival with the participation of international students from universities across the country.
Festival Secretary: Dr. Salehi, Faculty Member of the University


  Judging Panel 

The judging panel and the evaluation working group of the exhibition consist of 7 reputable individuals, including managers and academic experts, who are unbiased and have managerial experience. They have been selected based on criteria and procedures established by the Festival Policy Council.