The beginning of the registration for the International Fair of Study in Iran

7/24/2024 12:31:00 PM

Interview with Dr. Salmanpour, the Head of the Headquarter of the International Fair of Study in Iran

According to the public relations of the Student Affairs Organization report, Dr. Mohammad Javad Salmanpour, the head of the headquarter of the International Fair of Study in Iran and international advisor to the deputy minister and Students Affairs Organization, said: the international fair of study in Iran is an international event with multiple goals that will be held from 8 to 11 October in Grand Mosalla Mosque of Tehran. This fair includes 9 events in the field of scientific reference, internationalization of universities and international students recruitment.

Dr. Salmanpour stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran can unveil its educational capabilities and advantages in the world by holding a fair of study in Iran. He said: All activists who work in the field of international students will be present in this fair.

The head of the International Fair of Study in Iran stated: Universities, the fundamental elements of international students recruitment, are responsible for admitting, educating and training students, are the most important pillar of this fair and can show their capabilities, capacities, academic advantages in the field of scientific authority and international students recruitment.

He added: The second most important pillar is Persian language training centers responsible for teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers and its expansion, and international students recruitment agencies are other activists who will show their capacities in recruitment marketing and services to international students in the fair. 

The head of the International Fair of Study in Iran mentioned: The fair will be completed with the unveiling and demonstration of the path taken to achieve industries and empowering technologies of Iranian scientists and universities. This part of the fair will be implemented in cooperation with Imam Hossein University (AS). The international students of the universities will unveil their culture, civilization, national and social identity as well as the scientific, economic and cultural progress of their country by setting up the Festival of Nations and form the fifth part of the exhibition.

He clarified: The Food of Nations Festival will be organized by international students studying in Iran. This event provides an opportunity for them to present the native and local foods of their country to the visitors and creates a great opportunity for the visitors to get acquainted with the food diversity of the nations. Ahlul Bayt International University is responsible for this section.

Dr. Salmanpour added: Another pillar of this great event is the presence of foreign activists in the field of marketing and expatriating students from other countries. The fair has provided a good opportunity for the expatriate agencies of other countries to learn about the capacities and advantages of higher education in Iran and to be able to establish efficient communication with our universities and facilitate the process of sending students from their country to Iran.

He added: expatriate agencies from other countries can also communicate with student recruiting agencies in Iran by participating in this fair and cooperate with each other.

Dr. Salmanpour also clarified: The side programs of the fair are also important as well as the main pillars of the fair. In the side programs, lectures and scientific and specialized meetings in the field of scientific authority, internationalization, international students recruitment, marketing and spreading Persian by the fair headquarters, AZFA universities and institutions, and domestic student recruitment agencies, as well as Artistic and theatrical programs are planned. Sarai Danesh Art Festival is another important part of this fair that Tarbiat Modares University accepted its responsibility. The winners of this festival will be introduced and honored, and all the artistic works of the festival will be displayed with the name of its owner.

He added: The important aspect of this international fair is the presence of scientific and cultural officials from other countries, which provides the basis for establishing communication and concluding a memorandum of understanding for scientific-student exchanges for the main activists in the country.

The international adviser of the Students Affairs Organization stated: Iranian universities can display their capabilities and the activities they have done so far in the field of international students recruitment and internationalization of their university in this fair so that everyone knows that Iran has progressed not only in the field of science, but also the capacities have many advantages for international students recruitment.