The beginning of the registration for the International Fair of Study in Iran

7/3/2024 1:12:00 PM

Interview with the president of AZFA Canter of the University of Medical Science

Please introduce yourself briefly.

In the name of God, with greetings and respect to you and your respected colleagues, I am Inayatullah Shabani, a member of the faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the president of the International College of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Persian language teaching center of the university is a subset of the international college in this university. Currently, about 1,600 international students are studying at Tehran University of Medical Sciences. These students are from 52 countries and they are studying Persian at the International College, Specifically, they are studying in Persian teaching of Tehran International College of Medical Sciences, In fact, statistically, last year 66 training courses were held for international students, and in 1401, 77 training courses were held to teach Persian language, and teaching Persian is a serious part of students' education. Tehran University of Medical Sciences.


Please Tell me, what role does the Tehran University of Medical Sciences Language Education Center in achieving the authority of the Persian language in the world of science and knowledge, as well as the quantitative and qualitative increase in student recruitment, and what are its plans for the future to achieve these two goals?

One of the first universities that started teaching Persian and teaching courses in English was Tehran University of Medical Sciences, which we did since the beginning of the 90s. At that time, we faced a lot of risks and it was a bit challenging because we needed to use professors fluent in international languages, and on the other hand, we had to teach Persian seriously for students who get sick later, they will go to the sick bed. it was a difficult task at first. Now, after 14 years, other universities have been allowed to teach Persian and the educational course in an international language at the same time. This work had many benefits, despite the risks and challenges it had at the beginning. It had many benefits in the development path between Internationalization has helped the university to recruit more international students, it has also helped to develop internationalism in the faculty and staff of the university, our university has specifically included the Persian language education program and the development of Persian education in its curriculum courses. In fact, I should point out that it has been about a month that Persian teaching has been included in the students' educational programs as one-by-one courses. And from the next semester, and the next half year of October 1403, when international students want to start their studies, they must take the Persian teaching units. These courses are no longer extra-curricular courses like in previous years and now students have to complete the Persian language unit in the educational system score. The Persian course is equal to the value of other courses and they are trained in the morning hours, and according to their Persian language ability, they can take the course units or they may not have reached the level at all to take the course units of their own training course and should only study in one semester.


Very well, please tell me, in your opinion, what does participation in international exhibitions and international events bring to Azfa centers, and what is the need for Azfa center to participate in such an exhibition?

Persian language education has been neglected for years, and it should somehow be able to introduce itself more than in the past in the form of advertising packages. There is participation in exhibitions, of course, these exhibitions are currently being held in person and virtual, now the possibilities are wide, universities can participate in these exhibitions both virtually and in person, and it is necessary to introduce themselves to the international audience. Introduce the facilities and study opportunities and also help spread Persian language. 

Please tell me that specifically in the first international exhibition of study attractions in Iran, which will be held in the mosque of Imam Khomeini in July, What is your plan to participate in this exhibition, with what level of preparation will you participate, what items will you bring with you to the exhibition?

This exhibition was supposed to be held last year, we held its meetings at that time and got the preparation from that time to be able to have a strong presence in this event that is going to be held. We held meetings with our colleagues at the host university, Al-Zahra University, and we are going to appear this exhibition with our hands full. We will display a series of books prepared by the International College of Tehran University of Medical Sciences with a focus on teaching language with clinical purposes. As well as courses that Specially for general Persian language teaching, and Persian teaching with special purposes, it is held specifically for the purposes of medical sciences We will introduce and provide these courses to applicants and volunteers there.

If you have a final point or an important point in the field in terms of increasing the ability, we'd be happy to hear.

Increasing the power of Azfa centers, especially their advertising power to attract more. We will hear from you to teach Persian language to promote and expand this dear language. Whatever is done, almost the things that have been done seem to be small compared to the things that could be done and can be done in the future. It is negligible and we have done almost nothing in terms of content production, publishing books that can be written in relation to the teaching of Persian learning skills. Also in relation to the training courses that can be provided, face-to-face training courses and virtual training courses The educational packages that can be prepared in this area, training teachers who are proficient in teaching Persian, these are things that are really underutilized and we should pay more attention to them than in the past in universities and Persian education centers in universities. I hope that one day we will witness that the dear Persian language will stand on the summit of science and knowledge again and become an international language in the hope of that day.