The beginning of the registration for the International Fair of Study in Iran

6/30/2024 8:18:00 AM

Interview with the President of AZFA Center of Amirkabir University of Technology

Please first introduce yourself.

In the name of God; I am Ahmad Pourghasem, the president of AZFA Center of Amirkabir University of Technology
Can you give an explanation about the Azfa center, the center What exactly does Azfa do?
AZFA Center is actually a Persian language teaching center for non-Persian speakers, which tries to teach Persian language with new styles, to teach people who do not know Persian language at all.

For making Persian a scientific reference, what role do you consider for yourself?

Well, we can consider several solutions for a language to become a reference language, one of those ways
It is to increase the number of speakers of that language. This solution is a very good one though
But the long-term solution is that it is necessary to work for 50 to 100 years to slowly increase the number of speakers but there is also another way that is a little shorter than the long-term way. That we add Persian speakers who play a strategic role in spreading the language.
 What does it mean to have a strategic role? It means to try to teach a group that is active in science and science production, that is, they are active in politics, in legislation and etc… these people I mentioned are all people who are studying in universities. therefore, when we can attract them and teach them Persian language and culture, and towards the country let's bring those strategic people or people who actually have a strategic role to spread the language. We have attracted Farsi and turning this language into a reference, and through them we can accomplish 

.this mission
Your  center specifically, in Amirkabir University of Technology, what plans do you have to recruit these influential people?

In Amir Kabir University of Technology, many things have been done, I can't tell your all these things in this short time, but one of the very good things done in our university is the cultural ceremonies, it is considered in relation to international students. Programs that make international students feel that they have come to their own home. They have the perfect cultural atmosphere of their own house, from food and international food festivals to educational space, it is considered as a cultural package. The more this feeling of being in their own home is formed for them
Students will be better ambassadors for us. Amir Kabir University of Technology is a technical university, naturally, the industry that exists in Iran is an industry that is superior to the industry of many countries, and it is natural that international students have a greater desire to enter Iran and want to study at a level one technical university in Iran. study and Amirkabir University of Technology has also invested a lot on this issue.

In order to increase the attractiveness and impact that you said, what are the main tasks that will be done at Amirkabir University this year?

The first thing I mentioned is cultural affairs. Educational works are also among these things. As you know, we teach Persian language to technical students at Amirkabir University of Technology, and we must note that these students are going to be in classes where technical and engineering courses are taught, so it is necessary So that our teaching method is considered appropriate to the technical environment. One of the very, very important things that is being done in this direction at Amirkabir University of Technology is the numerous consultations that are offered to students. Imagine that a student has a family problem in Nigeria. It has no one in Iran. His problem can be solved with scientific counseling or with psychological counselors. If this problem is related to his academic affairs, his problem will be solved. Another very important task is to shape the living space in the dormitories in such a way that non-Iranian students feel relaxed. Now, sometimes students may have culture shock and cannot have the necessary flexibility in facing cultures, including the culture of Iranian students, and this should also be resolved. In Amirkabir University of Technology, a special person has been considered for this work, who will deal with these matters exclusively.

 How do you evaluate the role of this model of international fairs and specifically this fair?

First, I need to mention a very important point. I have been the president of Azfa Center for the past ten or twelve years, but this is the first time that I have witnessed such activities in these years, especially in the last two or three years, the activities of the respected students' organization have been very remarkable, for which I thank the organization. I make special This exhibition is important in several ways. Its first importance is that Azfa centers gather together and learn from each other. That is, I look and see what Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is doing, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is looking at what Bo Ali is doing, and it will also have synergy. In the exhibition that was supposed to take place last year, it was decided to add science-based companies. This issue is also very good and helps Azfa centers and universities a lot. How much can Azfa Center have access to such companies? We don't even know what companies exist in the field of training and attracting non-Iranian students, and this exhibition helps us to get ideas from these companies. We can even communicate with them and even solve some of our needs. Another important task and even more important than the previous two activities (and the student organization also worked a lot on this, Alhamdulillah) is for international students to participate in this exhibition. Many people get to know each other and convey the news to their own countries and can actually convey this information to the universities in their own country, so this has many achievements, God willing.

In particular, to what extent does your center desire and to what extent does it want to enter such fairs and such Iranian and foreign fairs in the field of attracting foreign students?

Amirkabir University of Technology and our center naturally have a great desire to get involved in this work. Even last time when the exhibition was supposed to be held, we asked for much bigger booths so that we could bring technical pieces for non-Iranian students to see, and you know that technical pieces are not small, they need a bigger space, so since this goal, The goal of expansion and strategic goal for the Islamic Republic of Iran, Amir Kabir University of Technology, as one of the important universities of the country, will do its best to participate and participate in these exhibitions. About the Azfa Center, I must say that we do several important things in particular. One of those activities is teacher training. Until today, we have had nearly 50 teacher training courses, which will greatly help the growth and expansion of Azfa centers. Well, this exhibition is also very good for us to share our achievements with Azfa centers and even help Azfa centers outside of Iran.

What items do you consider essential for AZFA centers in the exhibition?
The first and most important part is educational items. Softwares that students can easily learn Persian through. Now learning theories are theories that talk about communication and communication is formed in topics related to technology. Language is no exception to this rule. Now the softwares that are being produced and with which you can teach the language more easily is one of the items that I think AZFA centers should bring and provide to students. Magazines, books and educational content are very important and can help in this regard. One of the things that I think is very vital and the world is constantly using it, and even in English it is done, even in the passages we see it is the measurement of education. AZFA centers should bring the Persian assessment and concentrate it there in the exhibition. The student sits for ten minutes and gives a level determination. He realizes that my level is this, and this is very attractive to him and it can help a lot for the student to have a self-awareness about the language of education. .
Will you participate in the fair and bring the international students of the center to visit?

Yes, Sure! This exhibition is very interesting for us and even if we can get help from the students to do the work, it will be much more effective. It is good to mention here that non-Iranian students are very interested in this model of ceremonies. For example, we have had a food festival event. We held nations. Non-Iranian students from many countries came to the university, they cooked their food there, and we invited all the professors of the university students. Let them see and taste each other's food and learn about each other's customs.