The beginning of the registration for the International Fair of Study in Iran



Meeting Count


Method of holding a meeting


Sarai Danesh art festival and exhibition of works and awarding of prizes to the winners

Responsible: The Fair of Study in Iran
Time : 2024/10/8

The focus of the festival

Introducing the universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Introducing the attractions of studying in the Islamic Republic of Iran
The lives of Iranian illustrious professors
The life of international students in Iran
The attractions of Persian language and literature for international students

General conditions of participants in the call

Universities licensed to recruit international students
Students and graduates of the country's universities
International students and graduates of Iranian universities
Domestic and international actors in the fields of film, documentary and cinema

Introducing the main competitive sectors:

Part A: Visuals

Works sent to the image section are received in two formats:

The first format includes short stories, advertisements (teasers), university introduction videos, documentaries, experiments, animations, and the second format will include photos (single photos and video reports).

Participants can participate in this section with their visual works produced with the aim of introducing universities or educational attractions in Iran, respecting the legal ownership. The language priorities for the first format include the production of works in English, Arabic, Turkish, Russian, Chinese and other living languages ​​of the world.

Regulations of the visual works department

 Short film, documentary, advertising (teaser) and animation

  1. Works in this section are accepted from all domestic and international participants, both real and legal.
  2. The duration of submitted works should not exceed "30 minutes".
  3. The works were created after 2020 AD.
  4. There is no limit to the number of submitted works.
  5. Submitted works can be in non-Persian languages.
  6. Works that do not comply with conventional rules and Islamic covering will be removed from the judging process.
  7. Acceptable formats of the festival in the film section are as follows: H.264 MP4 1080p or H.264 MOV 1080p
  8. A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 behind-the-scenes and stage photos, movie posters and director's photos must be uploaded to the festival website during registration.

The size of each of the submitted photos must be at least 2 MB and at most 5 MB and have a resolution of 300 dpi.
Works in this section are accepted from all participants (universities, domestic and international).
It is recommended that the submitted works have names and titles.
There should be no text such as the title of the photo, the name of the photographer, etc. inside the photo.
If necessary, the raw and unedited photo file must be submitted to the secretariat for review.
Photographs of human subjects without Islamic dress code are not allowed to participate and will be removed from the judging.
The organizer has the right to use the accepted works for use in the catalog, poster and exhibition.

Part B: Software
The software part of this call is to support universities in order to introduce academic attractions using virtual space facilities such as a virtual tour with a multilingual voice guide so that viewers can move around the university in a simulated way and from the capacity of different departments of the university, especially Recreational facilities, dormitory, library, laboratory and be informed.Producers of Farsi language teaching software for international students and other activists in the field of educational aid products for non-Persian speaking students can also participate in this section. This is a support section and it will include financial support for participants (real and legal) to make great and valuable works.

Part C: Audio
In this section, audio works such as podcasts or radio dramas and hymns that have been produced on the topic of academic attractions in Iran or inviting international students to live and study in Iranian universities will be encouraged after judging by the jury.

Part D: Textual works
This section is for international students and graduates, and participants' works, including lived experiences related to studying in Iran, memories, travelogues, or content produced from living and studying in Iranian universities, will be encouraged after judging and evaluation. The country's universities can prepare workshops for international students who wish to attend this section and send their students' works to this section. Universities can also participate in this section with their promotional booklets (catalogues) prepared in international languages.

Jury of the festival:

The judges of this festival consist of well-known and experienced people with experience or academic staff members or retired professors of Iranian universities who will be appointed by the head of the student affairs organization for each competitive section in accordance with the principle of non-conflict of interest.

General regulations of the festival:

  1. Registration in the festival is possible only by visiting the website and completing the application form for participation in the festival.
  2. It is not possible to change, modify or resend the works.
  3. The works that do not meet the technical standards will be removed from the competition section at the discretion of the festival secretary.
  4. After the work enters the festival, it is not possible to remove it.
  5. Making the final decision about the unforeseen cases that are not included in the current regulations, or the ambiguities caused by its provisions and changes in some regulations, is with the festival secretariat located in the student affairs organization.
  6. The festival secretariat considers the sender of the work as the owner of the work. If the contrary is proven at any stage, the submitted work will be deleted and the legal responsibility will be directed to the sender and their violation will be reported to the official authorities.
  7. The acceptance certificate of the chosen ones is awarded by the secretariat virtually.
  8. The universities of the country can prepare workshops for international students who wish to participate in this festival and send the works of the students to this department with the names of the students.
  9. Works that are prepared against the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be excluded from the competition.
  10. Completing the application form to participate in the festival means accepting the announced regulations.

Awards of the Visual Section:

Short Film:

400 million Rials, a certificate of appreciation and a statue of the Fair for each of the top three work

150 million Rials, a certificate of appreciation and a statue of the Fair for each of the two admirable work

Photography Awards:

30 million Rials, a certificate of appreciation and a statue of the Fair for each of the top five work

10 million Rials, a certificate of appreciation and a statue of the Fair for each of the two admirable work

Software awards:

500 million Rials, a certificate of appreciation and a statue of the Fair for each of the top five virtual tours of the top universities

50 million Rials, a certificate of appreciation and a statue of the Fair for each of the five creative work

Text awards:

30 million Rials, a certificate of appreciation and a statue of the Fair for each of the top five work

10 million Rials, a certificate of appreciation and a statue of the Fair for each of the five admirable work

Audio Awards:

30 million Rials and a certificate of appreciation for each of the top five work.

10 million Rials and a certificate of appreciation for each of the top five admirable work