The beginning of the registration for the International Fair of Study in Iran



Meeting Count


Method of holding a meeting

Face to Face

The First Pre-event of the University of Birjand

Lecturer: Dr. Lamei the president of the University of Birjand
Time : 2024/7/10

According to the public relations and information report of the University of Birjand, the president of the University of Birjand, Dr. Lamei Give, regarding the exchange of several memorandums of understanding between the University of Birjand and Afghanistan and the request of the universities of this country for academic interactions and professor exchange, said: In addition to the neighboring country of Afghanistan, there should be interaction and student recruitments from other neighboring countries and the subcontinent, and measures have been taken in this direction. Comparing the number of foreign students in neighboring countries, he added: With the start of the AZFA Center of the University of Birjand, we will see an increase in the quantity and quality of international students. He also emphasized that the Afghanistan Studies Center will be activated and part of the activities of the International Office will be focused on the studies of the subcontinent and Central Asian countries.

Dr. Shayan Seresht, the president of the Persian Language Education Center to Non-Persian Speakers (AZFA) announced the holding of a scientific meeting of language teachers and professors sent to language courses abroad with the title "Towards the International Fair of Study in Iran" by the Organization of Islamic Affairs will be held in October of this year, he pointed to AZFA Center's programs and the capacities of international students of the university and said: the 5-year comprehensive program of AZFA Center is prepared by the center's scientific and policy-making council and approved by the university's educational council.

He further stated: The obstacles and problems of sending Iranian professors and students to Persian language courses will be referred to the relevant authorities.

Dr. Shayan Seresht said: AZFA center's educational workshops are held for students and teachers of the center to learn about face-to-face and virtual education methods. He continued: Establishing a memorandum of understanding with AZFA centers inside the country and universities and Persian language teaching institutes abroad, especially in neighboring countries, should be considered. The establishment of AZFA magazine is one of the future goals and plans of the AZFA center and the international office of the university, which will be pursued in the 5-year plan of the university, God willing.

In the end, the head of the Center for Teaching Farsi to Non-Persian Speakers (AZFA) emphasized: The capacity of professors in all academic departments and international students of the university in all fields will be used to have a strong presence in the Fair of study in Iran.

Officials and experts present in this meeting discussed how to establish communication channels in recruiting international students.